6th International Advanced Research Workshop on transformers - ARWtr 2019, Cordova (Spain). 06-09 October 2019
This paper investigates whether existing protection schemes would detect an open phase fault in the start-up power supply system of a 1092 MW Spanish nuclear power generating station. This investigation follows to the 2012 event at unit 2 of Byron station, Illinois, USA. Symmetrical components method is proposed to draw fundamental conclusions. The results of the symmetrical components analysis are validated using EMTP simulations.
Keywords: Open phase fault, nuclear power generating station, power supply systems, symmetrical components, EMTP simulation
Published in ARWtr 2019, pp: 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-7281-0959-6
Publication date: 2020-01-30.
L. Rouco, J. Archilla Martín-Sanz, C. Gavilán, Open phase faults in the start-up power supply system of a nuclear power generating station, 6th International Advanced Research Workshop on transformers - ARWtr 2019, Cordova (Spain). 06-09 October 2019. In: ARWtr 2019: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-7281-0959-6